Friday, August 31, 2007

Christopher Walken.....WHY!!!!!??????

Good day all, this is an open letter to Christoper Walken.

Mr. Walken,

I have enjoyed your work for your entire career. Deer Hunter....genious. King of New York....awesome. Pulp Fiction, True scene masterworks. Why have you gone the William Shatner route. Yes, it will make you loads of cash....but what about the work! William Shatner....a true has been in the 90's, began to be a parody of himself, to great success. Just look at his travel website ads, Boston Public, Miss Congenialty, etc.

Sir....I have met William Shatner...and sir, you are no William a good way. I'm sure the loads of cash you got for Balls of Fury was wonderful. But this is true trash. Your gamble for the year was Hairspray...where you had a love song....with JOHN TRAVOLTA.

I ask you kindly...get a meeting with Quenton Taratino...have him write a movie for you....and regain your class.

Thank you,

Jason Valentine

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