Friday, November 9, 2007

To HD or not to HD? That is the question

Greetings True Believers.

A question I get alot is should I get into High Definition DVD's now....or wait.

I have to say wait until there is a winner in the format war. These kind of things are always annoying. Both are spectacular formats. HD movies is the way it's supposed to be. But you have to have a Blu-Ray player to watch Disney films.....or an HD-DVD to watch Transformers. So it's confusing...and you can't get all that you want on whatever format you choose....unless you're rich and have them both.

Back in the birth of the DVD.....I felt it was going to win the war over DIVX (remember that). DIVX was a DVD format, that allowed viewers to watch a film for two weeks, and then it couldn't play anymore. I knew that was doomed, and went headfirst into DVD. The choice was easy then...its not easy now.

My advice....stick with good 'ol DVD until a winner is declared between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. Hopefully it will be over before the next NEW format comes along.


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