Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Here Come the Avengers!

Is it a Golden Age for the movies......It sure has been for me personally.

Batman is a top draw.....financially and creatively. Star Trek...of ALL properties is back and bigger than ever. Harry Potter continues to be great....and Pixar keeps cranking out quality. (Have you seen Up?....if not, do so now)

Marvel is going for the throat with its new slate. Iron Man 2 comes out in May next year. The following May.....Thor makes his movie debut (Played by Captain Kirk's daddy from this year's Star Trek) This will be helmed by the great Kenneth Branaugh. Captain America follows that June. (Casting is not ready for that yet) And then...the Granddaddy of them all.....a movie nobody thought we'd ever see.....the Avengers. Iron Man, Thor, Cap....and most likely a number of other Marvel heroes will join forces.

Things are looking brighter and brighter. With special effect catching up to the eye candy in their comic books....things are just now looking like the future.


1 comment:

Solomon said...

So true -- going to the movies just keeps getting better. It's too bad I can't find a good triple-feature Kung Fu special anymore. Oh, and tickets are like $10 and up everywhere now.

But we're all sooped for the comic book adaptations.