Thursday, June 25, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

There aren't that many careers like Michael Jackson's. He's been in the public eye since he was very young.....belting out hits with his brothers, the Jackson Five. He was far and away the star of the group....which lead him to a....shall we say, huge solo career.

Thriller exploded onto the scene in the early 80's, and nothing seemed the same again. With the great music, and great music vidoes as well, Michael dominated the music scene. He could not have been bigger...and he indeed was the King of Pop.

He has had....most likely deserved....recent troubles....and was nothing more than a side show attraction. But when he was in full gear....he was an unstoppable force.

What are your memories of the King of Pop?


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ed McMahon- TV, Sidekick, Spokesman Icon RIP

Yet another link to the past is gone.

Ed McMahon died today. Unfortunately the last years of his life have been dogged by money problems. And even more his last appearance will have been in the Cash4Gold ads during the Super Bowl.

McMahon deserves a better that I hope endures. Having worked with Johnny Carson....even before the first Tonight Show...Ed hung his hat on the ultimate rising star. In 1962, Johnny began his Tonight Show Reign....and Ed was there to be his foil...straight man.....and bellower of Heeeeeeere's Johnny.

Ed, being a shrewd man, ventured out, hosting and exec producing a number of projects. The most successful being Star Search and his Blooper Show with Dick Clark. He was also the co host with Jerry Lewis on his annual MDA telethon.

Ed is an Icon....and I'll always remember him standing just off stage.....announcing the Tonight Show's lineup, and introducing Johnny every night. Rest in Peace.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Here Come the Avengers!

Is it a Golden Age for the movies......It sure has been for me personally.

Batman is a top draw.....financially and creatively. Star Trek...of ALL properties is back and bigger than ever. Harry Potter continues to be great....and Pixar keeps cranking out quality. (Have you seen Up?....if not, do so now)

Marvel is going for the throat with its new slate. Iron Man 2 comes out in May next year. The following May.....Thor makes his movie debut (Played by Captain Kirk's daddy from this year's Star Trek) This will be helmed by the great Kenneth Branaugh. Captain America follows that June. (Casting is not ready for that yet) And then...the Granddaddy of them all.....a movie nobody thought we'd ever see.....the Avengers. Iron Man, Thor, Cap....and most likely a number of other Marvel heroes will join forces.

Things are looking brighter and brighter. With special effect catching up to the eye candy in their comic books....things are just now looking like the future.