So last night was the first full night of new programming for the 2008 season. Nice that there is no pending actor or writer's strike to foul up this year. It is almost to a point where it seemed extra special to have some new shows.
First up.....I had to turn of Heroes. I survived the entire 2nd season disaster, but I couldn't get through the 3rd season premiere. It seemed like an extremely dumb downer. I will never be going back....I tried Heroes, couldn't do it.
I watched the CBS comedy line-up. (Tivo is great) I like the Big Bang Theory, it has a goofy charm I like. And any show that references the Guardians of Oa (Green Lantern's bosses), gets props from me. 2 and a Half Men is still the king of sitcoms right now. I always have a good laugh with Charlie and Company. I've tried twice, but How I Met Your Mother always falls flat.
ABC had old reliable Dancing with the Stars, with an interesting cast this time around. Warren Sapp surprised me on how well he did. Boston Legal, as usual, is corny, manipulative, and just plain entertaining.
Bring on CSI: The Original and Survivor. This week I'll still give 90210 a chance, and marvel at how bad Knight Rider is.
Also, watch the always awesome world series of poker on ESPN.
What are you looking forward to this season?
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