Yes sir, bring on the fall. This, for me, is the best time of year. For most, Spring is the time of renewal, but Fall does the trick for me. My internal clock, still says its time to be getting ready for the school year. I guess it's a bit like the salmon heading home to respawn. I will be returning to my Alma Mater soon with the start of the football season at the University of Washington.
Fall brings many things that for me are great. (Yes, I know, the Autumnal Equinox is on September 21st....but Fall begins on Labor Day in actuality....so there) First off, football. I'm sorry to all the football widows out there....but football is so delicious, I can't stand it. College and Pro.....bring it on.
It's also time to start planning for the holidays. Oh the glorious holidays. I pretty much get into a trance around holiday time, because I am so absolutly jazzed about the feeling. Halloween kicks it off. One of my favorite stories comes from a chance encounter I had way back when. I was chatting up a lovely girl at a party, and I asked her what her favorite holiday was. I expected the usual, Christmas or Thanksgiving...but it was Halloween. I asked her why.....now here's an answer. She loved the sounds of the dogs in New England. HUH? She explained that the dogs were used to the streets being empty in the cold evenings of October, but once the streets were packed with Trick or Treaters, the dogs went crazy. I'm not sure I understand her answer, but darn if it wasn't memorable.
So, from now to New Year's Day.....I'm going to pretty much be a happy camper.
Happy Fall Everyone!
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