I have always taken pleasure when things that I love........get exposed to a larger audience and they eat it up.
Iron Man would be one of those things. Tony Stark and Iron Man have been a part of my life longer than any friend I have in the world. To watch Robert Downey Jr. and company bring that character, and world alive made me very happy. Final numbers are just under $200 million worldwide for its first weekend. Not a bad first venture for Marvel Productions....who financed their own film for the first time with Iron Man, and hit the jackpot.
What does that mean now? My favorite comic book will be brought to life. With Hulk coming in July....we know have Iron Man 2 coming April 2010. The Mighty Thor in June 2010. (With an introduction for Thor in Iron Man 2). In 2011, we have the First Avenger: Captain America in May 2011........and the capper, the Avengers Movie in July 2011. OMG!!!!!!!!!
For the unintiated, spurred on by DC Comics Justice League, Stan Lee decided he needed a team of do-gooders for Marvel....and the Avengers were born. Founding Members- Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp. They have had multiple casts since 1963, but Cap, Thor and Iron Man are considered the big three. Currently, Spider Man and Wolverine are a part of the team.......could they tag along as well? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I'm fired up about this. If Marvel can put the care into the other films that they did to Iron Man, than it could be mind blowing. Casting is key......just get the same person who dared cast Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.....here's hoping with Cap, and Thor....lightning strikes thrice.
1 comment:
Wow! I remember back about ten years ago it was just a thrill to see a "good" movie based on a Marvel character. Now we are blessed to not only get good movies based on Marvel characters but now we are finally going to get to see them crossing over into each other's movies and then ultimately teaming up. This is every comic book fan's dream come true. We are all very, very lucky to be around to experience this.
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