Charlton Heston was the man. I was very saddened by his death over the weekend. He was an actor who possessed great screen presense, and commanded attention.
Heston was introduced to me by one of the all-time greats- The Ten Commandments.

It is a near 4-hour film that is buoyed by Heston's talent. You believe he is the heir to the throne of Egypt....and you believe it when he's spoken to by God to deliver his people. Yes, the film has its share of cheese, but I love it.....and it is an epic that is worth broadcasting every Easter on ABC.
Heston won his only Oscar, for his work in the epic Ben-Hur. There was a time in my youth, where I thought if a film was over 2 hours....it must have Heston in it. I mean look at his body of work, that influenced me as a youth. Midway, Earthquake, Airport '75, Planet of the Apes, Ben-Hur and Commandments....all over 2 hours.....and all entertaining.
I will always be saddened that our last look at Charlton will be when his house and good nature were hijacked by Michael Moore for his Bowling for Columbine documentary. I don't blame Moore for doing what he did.....it gave a fitting end to his movie, but it showed signs of the future disease hindering Heston. It's a real shame.
Rest in Peace, and thanks for the movies that filled my young mind in the 70's with awe and wonder.
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