I have never been a fan of April Fool's Day. It never really rang true to me. It has gotten to a point where I refuse to look at internet sites on this day, for fear of seeing news that I've been waiting for.......and then getting my hopes dashed that they aren't true. I guess buyer beware sort of qualifies for getting duped there.
But that does get me to thinking....what news items am I dying to see.
I'll keep it to entertainment.....the obvious ones news ones being....the War is Over....Bin Laden captured....etc.
I have to say....the BIG ones have been almost all taken care of. I was DYING to see the Star Wars series was to continue. After a 16 year wait.....I wish they had never done the prequels....so I guess watch what you wish for.
The special effects world, made another of my big wishes true.......Realistic Super Heros on the screen. I always knew there could be a killer Spider-Man flick out there....and there was. Iron Man should be a continuation of my heroes of yore making a spectacular splash on the silver screen.
I even got a surprise....of something I would have wished for if I'd thought of it. The new special effects on the original Star Trek series have made the series vital again. The very well done work has made the great episodes even better.....and the numerous stinkers much less worse.
So what would I wish for now. I'd love to see one of Joss Whedon's TV creations return. I do feel thankful we got the wonderful movie Serenity out of his show Firefly.....but I would very much like to live with these characters again. I would also like to see a Buffy/Angel Feature Film one of these days. Sarah Michelle Gellar needs a hit....so why not? I very much doubt any of these will be resurrected though.
As you may know, I am a big fan the Rock Band and Guitar Hero Series on my beloved XBox 360. I am looking forward to the day when either Led Zeppelin or U2 make an appearance. It would be a blast to rock out to my heroes of music. (Speaking of which, U2 and Led Zep should be on tour this fall or early next year............CAN'T WAIT)
I'd love to see the Sopranos return in one form or another, see a live action movie of the old Japanimation series Star Blazers, have Roger Ebert get healthy enough to return to his show, and have more Harry Potter adventures to look forward to.
But I have learned to love what you have, than pine what you don't have. We have Dark Knight (Batman Begins 2) in July.....a new Joss Whedon Show coming this Fall, CSI has new episodes this week, Idol is kicking some A, and new Guitar Heros are coming this year.........so I am thankful. But being a fan....you always want more.
Have a good April Fool's,