Oh my Goodness.......Idol last night bordered on sheer torture....until the obvious front runner, David Archuleta appeared at the end. The previous singers seem light drunk frat boys next to this kid. The cojones to take a John Lennon classic, and make it your own is truly incredible. He didn't miss a note....and the girls were doing a Kentucky Freak Out whenever he appeared. We still have 20 kids........and I don't see how Archuleta can lose.

And rest in peace Myron Cope. If you've never heard of him, I wouldn't be surprised. He was color guy for the Pittsburgh Steelers radio broadcasts.....and his unique style of broadcasting made him a favorite among the Steeler nation....which I'm a member of. Besides that, he created and marketed the Terrible Towel......an enduring symbol for the team. I wish his family my condolences.
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