Monday, October 8, 2007

FOX is praying for NY.....Seth Rogan great SNL visit

Hello true believers.

The logos here are the fear of the FOX network. A meeting between two small market teams in the World Series will bring extremely low ratings, to already faltering ratings for baseball. FOX has always had trouble in the fall due to baseball reeking havoc with their new fall shows. And if Boston or New York doesn't make it to the fall classic, low ratings doom will knock FOX down a few notches. When the new baseball contract is up, don't expect any of the networks to want the World sounds like sacrilege, but I think its true.

Seth Rogan is a funny man. Riding his success with Superbad and Knocked Up, he hosted Saturday Night Live last weekend, and helped with one of their best episodes in ages. I actually watched each skit.....which with my DVR I haven't done in years. My watching habit of SNL is to watch every digital short, the news...and watch the first minute of a skit...if I don't FWD!!!! Two years ago, Seth would have killed to have been a member of SNL.......Too bad he's a big star now and can't.

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