For people who've watched the new Batman over the weekend......your question might be "Where can I get more of this!" I have an answer for you.
Batman has been around since the late 30's.....and many runs by creators have been singled out as fantastic in their run. Denny O'neil, Neal Adams, and the original Bob Kane have made the Dark Knight who he is today. But, there are 3 stories that have been released in the last 25 years that perfectly capture who the Batman is.

First and foremost is Dark Knight Returns. Frank Miller turned the comics world on its head with his alternate universe Batman. He's retired, and Gotham is going to hell. So The Batman returns to bring order. It's violent, gritty, and viewed as the best Batman story period.

Second, Frank Miller returned to Bats with Batman Year One. Considered now the definative look at Batman's beginnings. It's thought provoking, down and dirty, and interesting to see a green Batman.

Third, is Batman:Hush. Featuring the ABSOLUTELY gorgeous artwork of Jim Lee, Batman has to get down to detective work to find a man killing those who are close to him. (Villians and heroes.) It's a great story featuring a battle between a bewitched Superman, and Batman.
Happy reading!